let us help...

List of Services

Life Coaching Services:

  • Work one-on-one to foster mindfulness, create a life purpose, define goals that will fulfill that purpose, and have support during every step of achieving those goals.
  • Manifest the personal, professional, parenting, and relationship dreams you desire.
  • Deepen your spiritual connection to yourself and others.

Home Coaching/Professional Organizing/Home Editing:

  • Hands-on organizing in a therapeutic and supportive manner: Pick a project you want to tackle, or organize your entire home.  We will work together to make sure that new organizational procedures and methods fit well with the personalities and lifestyles of the people who live in the home.  An effort is made to touch upon the emotional connection between our space and our inner selves. Multi-day projects may include “homework” in order to be more cost-effective.
  • Maintenance: programs available for any time frame to check in and revisit a space in order to ensure that the transformation is a lasting one.
  • Consultations: I can help you make a plan that you execute independently.
  • Moves/Relocations/Downsizing/Renovations: I can help you pack up, unpack, and/or set up a new home. Focus is on letting go of possessions that will not serve you in your new space and reating efficient use of your new space.
  • Projects can aim at any of the following: decreasing clutter, general disorganization, difficulty determining what to keep and/or discard, or finding inspiration and motivation to get through an overwhelming situation.

Yoga Instruction Services:

  • Private, customized, in-home yoga instruction: Great for pregnancy, new moms, individuals with physical injuries or recovering from illness/surgery, senior citizens, and anyone who will benefit from yoga instruction tailored directly to their physical, spiritual, and emotional needs.
  • Couples yoga: great date-night idea!
  • Family yoga/meditation classes: introduce mindfulness and body awareness at an early age.